art classes in brussels

Specialised in oil painting, the artist offers private classes of drawing and painting for adults and teenagers, offering a method suitable for all painting styles.
The course is adressed to develop the creativity of each participant, with the exploration of different techniques and artistic researches by modern and contemporary artists. The course is open to all levels, from beginners to advanced artists, eager to explore new techniques within painting realism.
Used media are watercolour painting, oil, acrylic painting and tempera, and charcoal, dry pastels and graphite for drawings.
Classes take place at the artist's studio in Brussels city centre. Painting and drawing material is provided. Places and times vary according to places and availability.
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nude classes at grand hospice

Be ready for a new series of nude figure classes: in collaboration with Grand Hospice – Pali Pali, a new programme of art classes, with live models, takes place in central Brussels.
Each session focusses on the observation of the human form, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, with music and refreshments. The model will perform multiple poses, with increasing posing times. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, this art class is open to all skill levels.
Two tickets possible: only with drawing material, or drawing + painting material.
Encompassing all drawing mediums – graphite, charcoal and dry pastels – the sessions will run from September to June, every last Sunday of the month, from 1.45 to 4.30 pm.
Availability limited to 16 participants.

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Elio Ticca is a contemporary artist working with painting, sculpture and installation. His work aims to investigate how the representation of affect can be conceptually and culturally deconstructed, as well as narrated in new plastic and visual forms.