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venetian windows


Inspired by Eighteenth-Century aesthetics and John Ruskin’s reflections upon Venetian architecture, as seen within his art-historical treatise “The Stones of Venice”, the installation “Venetian Windows” was a bespoke project for Tessitura Bevilacqua, made in response to the Business for Art open call of the 13th Arte Laguna Prize. The work, a five-meters long velvet by Tessitura Bevilacqua, was exhibited on the façade of the headquarters of the company on the Grand Canal. The site-specific work by Ticca aws conceived to highlight a precious Venetian fabric, and to strengthen a powerful dialogue between inner and outer space, as well as time. While the textile was subject to deterioration and transformation outside of the building, Bevilacqua’s fabrics are cyclically brought back to life inside the palace.


Venetian Windows, 2021.
Tessiture Bevilacqua velvet, 540 x 100 cm.
Exhibition view at the headquarters of Tessiture Bevilacqua,
Grand Canal, Venice, May - September 2019

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Venetian Windows I, 2019.
Day - night views.


Ticca’s installation paied homage to the finest Venetian textile tradition. The artist sought to create a meeting point between a ready-made object and new technologies, thus bringing back the ancient history of textile made in Venice once again. The installation “Venetian Windows” has been visible on the façade of the palace of Bevilacqua on the Grand Canal, as well as inside the palace of Tessiture Bevilacqua, with a smaller artwork, between May and November 2019.


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Venetian Windows II, 2019.
Laser-cut Tessiture Bevilacqua velvet, after digital drawing.
120 x 100 cm

Elio Ticca is a contemporary artist working with painting, sculpture and installation. His work aims to investigate how the representation of affect can be conceptually and culturally deconstructed, as well as narrated in new plastic and visual forms.

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